More Women Commanders for Song of Ice and Fire


New member
Hello, I have been a fan of this game since we got into it in 2022 and was able to play in my first official tournament in Thailand's CMON Expo last year, November 2024. However, it has been a struggle to draw more women into this game in my opinion, because: 1.) It is very killy (which is normal for a wargame), and 2.) lack of female commanders that other women can identify with. It would be worth considering adding female commanders to your lineup for each house if possible to draw in more of the female market into this game. One of the players I was talking to recently was wondering which army to get his wife, an army with a strong female commander but I could only think of either Targaryen (Daeny, of course), Starks (Maege), FF (Harma), and now Caitlyn (BWB). What about an army with Cersei as commander or Margaery Tyrell, Sansa, Brienne, or now that Tactics will be out soon, possibly, Rhaenyra or Alicent? Most women who want to try ASOIAF will get the Targs but we do feel our options are limited for strong women characters we can identify with. Hope to hear back from you with some good news on this... thank you!


Staff member
This is exciting feedback @ARA1920, we are seeing an increase in the number of women players in our Expos and this is a very valuable contribution to the future of our games.


New member
What about some of these as commanders?
House Stark
Dacey Mormont
Alysane Mormont
Barbrey Dustin
Sybelle Glover
Alys Karstark

House Martell
Nymeria Sand
Arianne Martell

House Arryn
Lysa Arryn
Anya Waynwood

House Lannister
Gemma Lannister
Cersei Lannister

House Tully
Shella Whent
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