New to Freefolk, do i need to invest into another box, or is it playable?


New member
Hello Free Folk Players,

i love the game and am playing it for half a year now. Recently, i got a good deal on the Free Folk Starter Box and a Box of Spearwives and as i figured out, i can already build a 40 point list with that. Because it is my 4th faction, in try to limit my purchases (not easy, of course). We have, without Thenn Warriors and Skinchangers, a good amount of product in the shops here.

My question is, can an build a "real" FF-List with my Units? That would mean that i would use Tormund and Mance in my List, or is ist necessary to buy additional boxes to have a good gaming experience? Do i really need the Heores Box right now, or can a build a single good list with my stuff already? I am considering a) Cave Dwellers, b) Followers of Bone or c) Heroes Box.

As i have already realised is that the two giants are playable now. Adding the two raiders, spearwives and a unit of trackers, would be my list. Val and Craster on the tactics board, Tormund and Mance on the field? So you think this would work? Or do i nee a harder unit, to place Tormund or Mance in?

EDIT: I do not like the mass lists with 4+ raiders, so i think i like an elite approach more.

Thank you VERY much!


New member
Hello Free Folk Players,

EDIT: I do not like the mass lists with 4+ raiders, so i think i like an elite approach more.

You might be playing the wrong faction... FF is largely designed around being played as a horde.

It depends on what you mean by playable, though.
If you want to muck around with casual games with friends without being particularly competitive, then yeah starter + spearwives is fine. You might want to get Heroes #1 to add a bit more variety to your lists, though.

If your friends play more competitively, or you want to play in tournaments, then you'll probably want to pick up a second starter set, some Followers of Bone, and Heroes #1.


New member
Thank you very much for your response. I heard that elite-builds habe become much more viable with the new updates, so i decided to give them a go. Considering the new updates to Cave Dwellers and Followers of Bone, would you say that the Followers are the more interesting unit to get right now? I think i will get the heores box and a) the Followers of Bone, oder b) the Cave Dwellers.


New member
FF were really built to be a hoard army, but if you want to go elite you need a copy of Followers of Bone and Heroes one at a minimum.
This will let you run a two giant plus Bonelords chosen list that will hit pretty hard.

Mr. Badger

New member
Its a Hard life to play elite free folk.. You might be able to hit like a truck but you army will be cut through like piss in snow...
The giants Are tanky enough but your opponent will either mute, evade or simply dont hit them if they Are smart..
But when you get to one shot a unit with a giant on its last wound, it feels amazing.


New member
Its a Hard life to play elite free folk.. You might be able to hit like a truck but you army will be cut through like piss in snow...
The giants Are tanky enough but your opponent will either mute, evade or simply dont hit them if they Are smart..
But when you get to one shot a unit with a giant on its last wound, it feels amazing.

Always run Ygritte to protect the big lads.


New member
Thank you so much. I will order a box of Followers of Bone and a box of FF Heroes, and will leave out the cave dwellers for now. I have been told that the cave dwellers have been very effective in the past, but the followers of bone are the better choice right now. As i read out of your comments, the followers are a main part of a more elite list, so they should fit just fine.

Right now i plan with the following:

- 2 Units of Raiders (i think there is no doubt that at least two raiders form the backbone)
- 2 Giants
- Followers of Bone
- Spearwives

Furthermore i have a unit of Trackers, which im not sold on yet. And i am unsure about the NCUs and attachments. As i read out of your posts, Ygritte is important. Should i run Craster for his cheap 3 points? Or are there Heroes-Box-Choices which are more important?
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Depends on the army you're going to battle with.

Craster is important if: a) you are fishing for more tactic card cycling and b) if the units you have are worth healing for 2 in the first place.

Going with some of the elite units (Giants, Followers of Bone and Thenns), this can be a pretty useful skill and allow you to block a zone and still get an effect you want.
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