Old Glass bottles

I\'m going through my old Polly S jars and so many are casualties. (All dried up)

I was thinking I could pine sol them all and keep the jars for something but the question is: What?

I don\'t know if I want to put mixes in there as they dried up before and may well do so again.

What else could be done with them?


Old pots always make the best soup

When I transfered all my Armoury paints from their small glass jars to eyedropper bottles, I kept the jars without a purpose (just as you did).

Later I had the idea of putting a blob of blue tack/sticky putty on the top and use them to hold my minis while painting. It\'s very convenient because the mini\'s base sticks nicely and the jar is perfect for holding. Then, when the mini is painted and varnished and dry, just lift it up and the jar is ready for the next mini. That wayt I can paint a whole unit, each figure has its own mini-holder.

I also used one of the jars to store my paint water mix (mix of water, acrylic retardant and flow aid). Since I use eyedroppers bottles for paint, I like to have the smallest available syringe to dose my water and I recharge the syringe from the pre-made mix in the jar.

I hope this helps


New member
Rifle practise???

It\'s what I used my GW pots for, and I didn\'t even wait until they were empty. They made a very satisfying \'splat\'.

(As I live in the UK, I am talking about air rifle practise..only criminals carry firearms in this country:D )

Sand Rat

New member
I use several old Ral Partha paint bottles to hold a selection of basing materials - Sand, static grass, ballast, etc. Each one holds more than enough to base everything except the largest figure, and is much more convienient than the baby food jars I had been using.


New member
Originally posted by finn17
It\'s what I used my GW pots for, and I didn\'t even wait until they were empty. They made a very satisfying \'splat\'.

(As I live in the UK, I am talking about air rifle practise..only criminals carry firearms in this country:D )

Vs. every old fashioned recipe American household. Afterall, it is your patriotic duty to be armed (whatever nut case actually thinks they need a semi-automatic .45 lying around to protect themselves from burglers is either clinical or they live in the suberbs:D)



New member
a bit off topic

When my little guy was in preschool, he was supposed to bring something in for a science experiment, to see if it would float or sink. I grabbed a glass baby food jar (and cover) and we put some sand gravel in it, He was sure it would sink, but it didn\'t. We experimented a bit, and got it to hover about 3\" below the surface. :D This gets good, the teacher and all the kids thought it would sink too, but it worked perfectly, (Iwas a helper that day)then I asked the teacher if we could make it float to the top. Doubtful, she said go ahead, I pulled out a big bag of road salt, and added some of it to the water, it came right up, and a couple of other things started to hover a bit too. All the kids in that class thought I was the smartest mom in the world! lol That was fun!!!!! The teacher simply muttered \"there\'s always one\" but she said it with a smile, and added that little trick to the experiment from then on. ;)

okay, off topic done. As you were.


Keep them for the day....

The pizza girl has a pink raybeam shoot out of her necklace to enlighten you.
(obscure PKD reference)

TRASH THEY ARE TRASH! Or as Dick would tell you THEY ARE KIPPLE!!


Coffin Dodger / Keymaster
Originally posted by Taer
... (whatever nut case actually thinks they need a semi-automatic .45 lying around to protect themselves from burglers is either clinical or they live in the suberbs..
Good thing I live in the burbs then, I would hate to think that I was clinical.lol. But, if you think that the police are going to actually protect you - instead of fill out the paperwork on your home invasion/car theft/etc. then maybe I am just being paranoid.

Sand Rat

New member
Well, then theres the story of what happened to a friend of mine and her room mate - the cops had the guy down in the house and let him get away -

Makes you really have confidence in local law enforcement, dont it -
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