Rattleshirt commander being unplayable


New member
I've racked my brain over and over and tested him a few times, but are there any lists where Rattleshirt is actually playable as a commander let alone good? His attachment is great, but I can't find anyway to make him actually work to any degree and his tactics cards seem like they just jam me up from getting anything good and don't seem to confer near the abilities that other commanders do. I want to play him, but I've not found any reason to.

Sine Luce

New member
For me, rattleshirt as commander is good in a giant list or a vicious list, cause all tactics cards have the trigger « if it destroyed an enemy rank », giants have the highest probability of destroy a rank with mighty swing, and vicious units with melee attack and especially with the panic test.
Rattleshirt is playable but it’s right he’s not the best commander compare to harma or weeper, he’s so good as attachment.


New member
I've racked my brain over and over and tested him a few times, but are there any lists where Rattleshirt is actually playable as a commander let alone good? His attachment is great, but I can't find anyway to make him actually work to any degree and his tactics cards seem like they just jam me up from getting anything good and don't seem to confer near the abilities that other commanders do. I want to play him, but I've not found any reason to.

Giants are actually nice with him. One of the main abilities he has is he can go fish his cards out of the deck, thus thinning your deck.


New member
And now he doesn't buff giants. Giants have way too much skornergy (antisynergy) in the 2021 update IMO.


New member
Think he is going to work well with the new Frozen shore Bear riders. They are a good bet to chew at least one rank but not much more. The card buffs from Rattleshirts cards will sharpen them up a little bit. Not sure if this will take the meta by storm but think he will synergize well with them.
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