Selling Kingdom Death pledge Bronze Survivor


Selling Kingdom Death pledge Bronze Survivor - SOLD

Hi guys, I m selling Bronze - 2014 Black Friday Kingdom Death: Monster Survivor Level Pledge for $250.
link for full details:

This pledge includes the same rewards included in the Kingdom Death: Monster Survivor Level pledge originally offered through the Kickstarter campaign with the exception that there is no t-shirt included. The Bronze Pledge includes: The Game (retail est. $250), Survivor Level Bonuses

  • Kickstarter Exclusive Adam &Anna Explorers of Death Miniatures (retail est $25)
  • 1 Phoenix Miniature (retail est. $75)
  • 5 Bonus Plastic King's Men Miniatures (retail est. $50)
  • 1 Watcher Miniature (retail est $25)
  • 1 Paul the Survivor Miniature (retail est $15)
  • 1 Aya The Survivor Miniature (retail est $15)
  • 1 Bonus set of the Rawhide Armor Miniature Kit (makes 4 miniatures) (retail est $25)
  • 1 Bonus set of the Phoenix Armor Miniature Kit (makes 4 miniatures) (retail est $25)
  • 1 Bonus set of the White Lion Armor Miniature Kit (makes 4 miniatures) (retail est $25)
  • 1 Snow the Savior Miniature (retail est $15)
  • 1 Bonus Set of Starting Survivor Miniature Heads (retail est. $15)
  • 1 Plastic Twilight Knight Holiday Gift ($15)
Official Fulfillment Start TBA. (Estimated Summer 2015).

Payment via PayPal.

I bought the pledge via friend s PayPal (as in photo):
As soon as you complete the payment, I will inform Kingdom Death Adam Poots of your address, and by this you will take over my pledge and that will conclude our transaction.
I will forward you e-mail received from Kingdom Death confirming my information about address change, as well as order number, so you will be able to verify that all is OK directly with Kingdom Death. That s it:glasses-cool:, thank you.

Now on ebay:
If someone wishes to buy directly, please PM me, if there are no bids I will lower the price which is a bit higher due to ebay expenses.
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