The Return


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And so it begins with Khaleesi and Dothraki.

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I pre-ordered the Targaryen starter set from Miniature Market. Is there any general information I should know before diving in? Will I need more than the starter to field a playable army?


New member
I waiting to preorder
Plannig to post how I will paint my army here

Starter Targaryens is unique because you can assemble 40 pts army right from it.
Song of Ice and Fire have very balanced units. There is not bad and unnecessary units in starter.

You can add mercenaries and future units in army for more variations, but it is not necessary


The starter set promises to be one of high mobility and aggression. All light cavary has not been seen often (if at all), except with the starks under Brandyn Tully...yet Dothraki will hit much harder i believe, especially under Khal Drogo. Those veterans are some of the most powerful chargers in the game, with the price that it entails. I've pre-ordered the usual 2 starter sets (far from necessary but great for diversity in 40pts games).

The thematic neutral units will be the Stormcrows, rather flexible infantry with a love for the wealth zone. Not exactly the Targaryen's choice (they love the maneuvre zone) but they would provide a good medium infantry around which to maneuvre or cavalry.

The unsullied will hit us in 2020 for sure, providing a much heavier infantry side to the faction.
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New member
I like that image. Seeing her face again rekindles my desire to rewrite the final season... but I digress.

We need to build up some dramatic tension before our Dragons light things up and everyone dies screaming. I like starting with Dothraki because they will provide a fast and brutal core to diversify with Unsullied and Dragons. I also play historic ancients and favor Macedonian Successors who are all about Cavalry so I am looking forward to some mad charges into the opposing armies of Westeros.


Indeed, and CMON is going along their chronological line too (starting from Robert's death) that time Denerys is with Drogo and her dragons are not even born yet.


New member
my targ box just shipped should be here monday. ill play some games with it soon, who should I fight them against? I will fore sure do a dothraki charge against jamie/bronn lannister build


my targ box just shipped should be here monday. ill play some games with it soon, who should I fight them against? I will fore sure do a dothraki charge against jamie/bronn lannister build

That's pretty early :), when's the official release date?

That said, please make them fight the Lannisters, Cercei as NCU.


New member
i think its mid jan, but they are selling early in other places around the world. it was like $200 after shipping but I thought it was worth it for the holidays. This faction is why I bought into the game originally so finally getting to play it will be cool. If you google some shops online you can see listings of the march releases, dothraki units, rose knights and rhlllor faithfuls along with murmmers and other neutrals. My guess is the dragons will be in hero box #1 im hoping they arent just baby dragons but they probably will be sadly. I understand from a lore perspective why that would be but from a gameplay perspective and a war game perspective we all want real dragons. I'm gonna take the targ box to a local shop and try to get some new people to play, I already know my local geeks will wanna play when they see danny and drogo but universally the question will come back to dragons. I don't see myself buying more dothraki as the faction grows it seems like the starter fields enough but i might drop some cash on the unsullied when they release. All this is theoretical until they are actually played of course. The new units look so cool though I love dark sword's work!


I'll eventually get 2 starter sets as well, My wife really likes the dothraki (more than Denerys...actually). Something that might give you hope is that they've re-used that image of a seriously large dragon in the 1.5 rulebook (p31)...i doubt they'd use that if it didn't represent at least one of their views on the dragons that will be featured.


New member
Cmon said 10th jan release but that doesn't mean anything could be later this month unless anyone seen it on the shelves ??????


New member
Cmon said 10th jan release but that doesn't mean anything could be later this month unless anyone seen it on the shelves ������
No idea about Miniature Market, but some stores have it, at least around Melbourne (and SE Asia by the looks of it online)


New member
I can confirm it has been released and is shipping if you bought direct from the manufacturer. Expect Miniature Market and the like to ship by Friday.


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Miniature Market has gotten “stuck” before with taking things off preorder that they have in stock. I’ve had to call and ask in the past, and they had to go in and make the change to get it moving.
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