The Scent of Flesh - little zombie diorama


New member
Hy there.

Its been some time I submitted something new. So here is my latest work. Not happy with the colors of the zombies compared to the base, especially on the photos. :/
But overall it was quite fun, especially to paint some NMM again. The last projects were all done with True Metal. I think you can do more effects with NMM then with TM, but thats maybe just me. :)

I hope you like my little fellas, I always love to paint Redbox Miniatures, but now I ran out of minis, so the next project will be something different. :)

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Best regards




New member
Yes, Skyrim was my first thought too. While I can`t fault the quality of your painting or basework, I think the figures blend in with the base a bit to much. But thats just me being nitpicky on a level I myself can not archieve, so take it with a heap of salt ;-)


New member
have to agree the minis blend in with the base a bit, probably not a problem irl but in some of the images you hardly see any undeads at all. great painting though, as always :)


Super Moderator
Fantastic paint and beautifully done scenery. I agree about the zombies blending into the base a bit much though. Still, this rocks my socks off.
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