Used the CMON Travel Agency this past weekend.


Coffin Dodger / Keymaster
Wife & I decided to make a side trip to Savannah on our way home last week. Not having any idea as to where to stay or who to call, I decided to take our own Liz up on a previous offer she made me.

Gave her a call and she got us a nice room right in the middle of the historic district. Not bad for last minute drop-in.

Thanks Liz, Peggy & I had a blast.


New member
Glad you liked it! Next time give me a little advance warning and I might be able to get you a really good rate on that resort that was too much. MUCH nicer place!


Coffin Dodger / Keymaster
Liz, I will next time give you much more advance notice of my stay in NC... but the side trip to Savannah was a spur-of-the-moment thing. You did great.

Anyone familiar with Mashers? Seems they run and drink beer.
There was a town full of them last weekend.
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