Lorelei Dryad

Lorelei dances under the moonlight, beckoning all wildlife to come to her and help her protect the forest. The sounds of the forest seranade her; the chirping of the birds and crickets, the sound of the wind against the leaves, calls of the animals . . . She is in bliss, the forest is at one with her. The evil Orcs have encroached upon the forest and Lorelei knows the forest is angry and threatened. The forest will triumph over the orcs with the aid of the dryads and the animals. I wanted to paint this in colors that would indicate more of a night scene. Please let me know what you think. Comments welcome.

Posted: 19 Jul 2008

8.1 /10 (109 Votes) 6.8k Views

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I really like your limited color scheme. I was not crazy about the sculpt, but your skill has definitely improved my opinion of the miniature.
4 Aug 2008 • Vote: 9
I appreciate all of the great feedback guys! It's a good motivator when I know I've done something right. As for highlighting on the face, there is another angle that I couldn't manage to include because the pictures are too big in size but it does show some highlights. I know I posted all the pictures at pacificmarauders.com and also mainlymedieval.com/ozpainters. Thanks again! I hope she finds a good home. Just a few hours left of the auction.
28 Jul 2008
Nice one Meg! Great, focussed colour scheme...I agree with jarhead that perhaps you could have lifted the lighting on the face a little, jsut to create more of a focal point, but that is a fairly minor thing. It can be important to think about trying to direct the viewer's attention to vertain part of a mini though. And maybe the water colour on the base is a little bright - I kind of like crazy colour effects like that though hehe, but maybe it's taking a bit too much attention from the figure itself. Really great work though, I love the fact that you have experimented with a brave colour scheme for this one, and I think you have pulled it off very well!
28 Jul 2008 • Vote: 9
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