Eldar warseer

Hello friends, This is the warseer, I entered in Modena, Italy 2008. Some of you have seen pictures of him in several forums but they were only WIP`s. Now, this is the finished version, who won the sword on italian GD `08. I used citadel-colors only. Purple areas were painted with a mix of liche purple and enchanted blue. For highlighting I added mor and more bleached bone into this mix. The blue shining metal is based on shadow grey. I highlighted it with ice blue and finaly skull white, shadows with black. Blade and gems were painted with pure liche purple, highlighted with white and shaded with black. Gold: snakebite basecolor, shaded with scorched brown and black, highlighted with bronzed flesh and white up to pure white. Congrats to all the other winners... it was an event I never forget. If you want to meet kind and friendly painter friends on a good organized Games-Day with an awesome atmosphere... visit the italian GD in Modena ;o) Best wishes, Stephan

Posted: 9 Jan 2009

9.5 /10 (713 Votes) 79.9k Views

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The NMM looks amazing.
5 Jul 2019 • Vote: 10
Serge Finder
Waaaaa... actually as I like the theme as well, for me this is the best job ever posted to this forum...
7 Apr 2016 • Vote: 10
Simplemente hermoso
25 Jun 2014 • Vote: 10
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