Knight of the Kingdom of Jerusalem 13th c
This is a converted Pegaso Templar Knight with Beucant, I've re sculpted the arms and head, the face is an Andrea Rob-Roy (Liam Neason, sp?) I scratch built the shield and banner/pole. The horse and barding is unchanged, simply because it is so good! The Heraldry is an amalgamation of a couple of knights depicted in Illuminated Manuscripts from the 12th-13th Century. So it is sort of correct for the period as a secular knight of the 'Kingdom of Jerusalem.' He's not from any of the knightly orders, of which there were only a few hundred in the Holy Land at any one time. Most of the fighting done in the period was done by secular knights not knightly orders. Sources: Osprey Publishing (Warrior 018), Knights of Outremer Osprey Publishing (MAA155) The Knights of Christ Osprey Publishing (Elite 019) The Crusades Many Stephen Runsiman books!
Posted: 3 Aug 2009