Telcharion, the Blacksmith
Here's my version of Telcharion from Enigma's Massive Darkness range. The fireplace and tiles on the base were sculpted from milliput, and the rest from various bits and pieces. You can see some photos on my site showing the base before painting. I tried to create a bit of texture on Telcharion's apron. The process I followed was as follows: the apron was shaded and highlighted as normal, using dark brown, dark blue shadows, slightly orange brown in the highlights. No need to worry to much about smoothness at this stage. Then, I mixed up a wide variety of colours to create the texture. Colours including light grey, dark blue grey, grey-purple, dark brown, dark blue-black and green-black, orange browns, flesh type colours, and so on. Then these colours were stippled layer by layer onto the surface of the apron in a controlled way, concentrating with the darker colours on the shadowed areas, and with the lighter colours for the highlights. There may be a step by step article detailing the painting of the figure published some time in the future - I will let you know if and when that happens! :)
Posted: 11 Aug 2009