Hammâm - The Turkish Bath

„Salam aleikum“ I started this project about half a year ago and finished it last week just in time for the „Duke of Bavaria“ (a big miniture exhibition/competition in Ingolstadt/Germany). The name of this project is "Hammâm" which stands for „turkish bath“. This diorama developed drastically during the design process. At first it started as an idea for a small vignette with only one miniature and now ended as my biggest diorama with 3 miniatures and a lot of details. Thanks to all my friends on „www.das-bemalforum.de“ who helped me with new ideas, critique and new perspectives. You can see many WIP pictures of the project over there: http://www.das-bemalforum.de/showthread.php?t=7202 Apart from the miniatures (they are from Hasslefree and slightly modified) the whole diorama is build from scratch. The walls and the floor are cast from modelling plaster, the water effekt is a 2-component resin from „NOCH“ and all the little details like cushions or rags are modelled with „Pro Create“. I learned a lot in this project, especially in the field of modelling and also a lot about arabic architecture, art and history. It really was an eye-opener!!! The most fun was the marble texture, it’s quite easy when you get used to it. J I would be very happy about your votes, comments and thoughts. SOOOO, if you want to get into it, hit this youtube video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yg5FE12l8a8, listen to the music, view the pictures of the diorama and start dreaming of One Thousand and One Nights. But don’t get caught by the eunuch! J If you don’t want to get into it, just look at the pictures. :D Best regards Juergen

Posted: 5 May 2011

9.7 /10 (193 Votes) 24.0k Views

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Great job
11 Aug 2013 • Vote: 10
just over the top GREAT! Love it.
9 Mar 2013 • Vote: 10
Your builds are as outstanding as the blondes nipples sir ;) Beautiful work, really very beautiful.
21 Jul 2012 • Vote: 10
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