Warrior of Venus

Okay, so when I irst saw this mini, I definatly thought the spear looked like a kind of shark tooth. Using that, I came up with the thought that this Amazon could be more Island like than usually shown. I remembered that the original Amazons worshiped Hera, so I just made up Amazons that worship Venus! I thought it would be up to them to patrol her sacred island, so they must have special water powers, hence the cloack that looks like water. I also thought that there would be no cows, so the bikini would be made from a sea serpent. Overall, I'm very happy, though the mini itself still has roughness issues.. PS: If you think the tattoo is for Slannesh, you need to read a book! :P

Posted: 1 Aug 2003

7.6 /10 (264 Votes) 5.1k Views

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The earthy color scheme (water, leaves, bone and wood) gives a wonderful theme to the piece. Your blending on the loincloth and cloak are superb and well blended. A warm green and cold blue contrast worked out nicely. I think your shark tooth idea for the spear is right on. The only possible improvement IMHO would be to tone down the eyeshadow-- it seems to be a bit out of place. Overall, I would say that this piece would definitely be worth expansion over a whole collection.
2 Aug 2004
I like the idea of the Venus. The cloak I like too. The flersh and face need some more smoothing, and maybe round out the pupils of her eyes more. The spear head is awesome, as is the freehand. I love how you are always trying to push yourself to new heights!
6 Nov 2003
The highlighting is just too chalky. I don't much like the way the shield painting turned out, but it's bettern than most. I do really love the sea serppen pattern and the seawater highlighting in the cloak, though.
3 Oct 2003
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