Guardian Of the Spring (Cmon Amazon)

Well here she is, my Cmon Amazon: My working plan was to have her stood over a grave but ‘Illuminatus’ beat me to the draw on that one. So it was back to a previous idea. Her story: She is the current Guardian of a long line of Guardians of a Magical Spring. Her role is to test the quality of those who would drink from the magical waters and prevent all evildoers from access to its pure qualities. To protect her she has the symbol of the Deity associated with the Spring on her shield, (Water pouring from a Golden Ring into a lake) and the Glaive of her ancestors. Technically: She’s painted with GW & Foundry paints and as always I started with the Flesh tones. A thin base coat of GW’s ‘Tanned Flesh’ working up through adding ‘Dwarf Flesh’ & Elf Flesh to achieve the tone. (I got seriously worried when the base coat went on as there was considerable pitting on the mini, especially the face. At one point I thought she was going to look as if she’d had Smallpox. However I think the face has worked out very well. A number of people have commented on the fact that she looks mournful, but I got the face to look as if she’s somewhat tense instead.) Her clothing I wanted to have an organic flavour, in regards to the colour. So they are painted in two tones of green, GW’s Scaly Green, Jade Green & Vile Green mix for the loincloth & halter-top, Dark Angel Green, Snot Green, Goblin Green & Scorpion Green mix for the Cloak. Her boots are from the Foundry range being a mix of Tan, Tan Shade & Tan Light all told there are about 6-7 levels of highlights on them. The base consists of several small pieces of roofing slate (which gets very sharp in small sizes) for the spring surround, tufts from an old hairbrush for the clumps of tall grass, some kinds of seeds found in a pack of lichen & the ubiquitous Static Grass. Last but not least Chrispy’s recipe Tea leaves for some of the ground cover. Things I’m best pleased with: NMM Gold on the Wrist & Waist bands. The wood effect on the inside of the shield. The freehand work on the Shield, and finally her Eyes. This is the first time I’ve every managed to put Irises in eyes. Comments welcome as always.

Posted: 13 Aug 2003

8.1 /10 (271 Votes) 5.4k Views

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Very good job here ! I like your color scheme a lot, and the skin looks great. Your NMM is a bit strange though, on the blade. On one side of it the light seems to be coming from the left of the mini, on the other one from the top. And on the shield the light is reflected on a place directed towards the ground... I like your base, but, it looks like a garden... with carefully set paths and grass regularly cut ;). Apart from those minor points, great !
5 Mar 2004 • Vote: 8
The broken grass blades suggest something big and clumsey just wen't by, which could explain why she looks so angry. Was that intentional? And what is the grass made of?
26 Dec 2003 • Vote: 9
Awesome stuff....and you said" evil doers "in your description!
28 Nov 2003
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