Arbeit macht frei-For remember

Sculpture of Alessandro Bruni in 60mm scale and painted by me. You can find the WIP of the sculpture here: . Wip of Painting and other photos here: . Collector :S.Renato

Posted: 1 Jan 2012

9.6 /10 (222 Votes) 32.3k Views

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hard theme... but excellent work.
29 Aug 2013 • Vote: 10
It was my pleasure to see this in real and even hold it in my hands! A true masterpiece of Art! Sorry to not find time to post more on your work, time is so limited and I am saving away those figures I want to comment! Once in a while I find the time to post my thoughts and honour your work! Keep on happy painting! Best Wishes, Roman
10 Oct 2012 • Vote: 10
Looking at the sculpt unpainted, it's a "good sculpt", not anything highly notable, but the painting has brought this piece to life. The realisim of the shading and the color usage as well as the detail added to what the sculpt appears to lack is absolutely astonishing. It's pieces like this one that make me realize that a model doesn't always need to be top notch with details so long as the painter can fill in the blanks. Wonderful!
30 Jun 2012 • Vote: 10
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