Sister of Battle Cannoness
Sisters of Battle are one of my enjoyable painting challenges. This one I took a lot of time over working out Highlight placing and the tonality of the cloak. Since there was a bit of spare time I decided to make the Cannoness have a local background around her, so the the Broken Pillar, (Ainsty) and the Imperial Guards acoutremonts appeared. The maps you may be able to see are Sections of Ordenance Survey maps from Bolton area captured from the web and scaled down to fit. I opted to do a little freehand on the cloak so Roses (an easy flower to fake) and careful lines appeared. This is a piece I'm rather happy with, but caused a row with a GW staffer due to his insulting treatment of it at Golden Deamon as he THREW it into the bottom of the cabinet. That caused a manager to intervene and the staffer did get reprimanded.
Posted: 23 Jan 2013