Unsuccessful summoning of the Pamela Anderson Lee

This story would sounds like totally nonsense but every word of it is truth. I've heard this story from my granddad... Have you ever heard about elves? This creatures have nothing in common with elves from books that R.R.Tolkien had written or with elves who helps Santa Claus with presents. If you ask me about this race, I'll tell you that elves is really tiny creatures who like to lives in places which located pretty far from cities where we (I mean humans) live. Thise tiny guys succeed in Magic that helps them to hide from eyes of a people. Most of this elves guys are trying not to do any business with humans, but sometimes there are an exceptions. My granddad told me that he was a friend with one of those elves, he had met in a forest one day. It was a little crazy type of elf besotted with idea to met one day an actress he was in love with... So he loved Pamela Anderson and was a greatest fan of her I had ever know.(words of my granddad) His little brain gave him an idea that he could met her or even marry her. So only one thing he really need to do is to summon his darling to a house in a forest he lived in. (Russian elves aren't very rich and cant afford a travel to America). He had spent some years doing a research about summoning and after some dispositions he had started a ritual. But he was old enough to forget one of magical ingredients...

Posted: 1 Nov 2016

9.4 /10 (37 Votes) 4.2k Views

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Beautiful use of the purple-violet! Great imagination all over the place! ^^
9 Nov 2016 • Vote: 10
Great Scene, and very well-painted. Great Story too. and at least he now hase a nice pair of legs...
3 Nov 2016 • Vote: 9
I love a very imaginative plot. Very hilarious!
2 Nov 2016 • Vote: 10
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