ADHARMA PROJECT: Infinity Yu Jing Kuang Shi
Poor souls, who are in debt to Jade Syndicate, never return after being found by syndicate brawlers. When someone starts looking, they would eventually stumble upon a totally legit contract between an abductee and a company named "Yantra Research & Development". The nature of the contract is quite obscure, but the text always mention a participation in "Adharma Project", whatever it could mean. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A unit of Kuang Shi for my Yu Jing army. I dind't wanted to buy an entire box of Celestial Guards for only 1 controller model, and I also disliked the models (at that time they weren't updated yet). So I found a suitable proxy for it (limited edition Infinity RPG model, initially Black Hand Analyst). Hopefully, this color scheme (unequivocally referring to one widely known artificial intelligence), combined with the brief background I gave for them, will stir imagination and raise some questions.
Posted: 27 Dec 2018