This is my entry for the CMON6 Competition. No fancy conversions whatsoever. Just plain painting fun. After finishing the skin I thought about adding a tattoo. So I browsed the web for designs for nearly 2 hours and ended up with her entire right half tattooed. The base she´s standing was made out of plaster of paris poured into the lid of a blister package and broken into pieces after it was cured. I then took some of these pieces and piled them on the base up.

Posted: 30 May 2006

8.4 /10 (255 Votes) 9.8k Views

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I love the tat- If one is going to wear this type of tattoo, it must be stark, it helps to convey the meaning, otherwise, why bother. I do agree that the hair seems a bit flat, but I like the smooth shading of her skin and clothing. Great job, sorry I missed this one!
8 Aug 2006 • Vote: 8
A very vibrant figure! Love the tattoo - really makes the model pop! I find the weapon a little flat though... but that might've been your intention - to make her more the focus.
8 Aug 2006
I really like the tattoo. If you look at people with these type of black tattoos they do tend to overpower, and thats the whole point. Excellent. Hair is a bit flat though.
4 Jul 2006
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