Gargantuan Black Dragon
I just finished up another set of trophies for the D&D Miniatures Constructed Championship going on at Gen Con Indy 2006. This is the 2nd place model. The figure was removed from the base and pinned onto a resin cast of a rock to give it a slightly more dynamic base. I especially like how the horns turned out. I had already done one huge black dragon (here: ) and so I was able to improve a little bit on the techniques that I first used on that one. For one, I was a little disappointed how monochromatic the first one turned out even though I was not just airbrushing shades of grey, so I kicked this one up a bit to have more of a greenish color -- hopefully giving a slight swampy feel reflecting a black dragon's natural environment. The final color look makes me think of HR Giger's color choices which pleases me. This was finished in July 2006.
Posted: 19 Jul 2006