Cirdan the Shipwright

This is a raw camera shot, merely colour corrected to reflect the actual model. Just a front view here so some of the below commentary might not make sense but there's a smaller montage shot available in my gallery showing many more views. This figure is Cirdan the Shipwright, my entry for Lord of the Rings Single Miniature at Golden Demon UK 2010. I decided to go with a good quality, simple figure with an emphasis on quality blending, vibrancy and a balanced colour scheme (giving everything a slight turquoise tint that I felt inkeeping with his profession). I built him a base of wooden planks that I painted in a very pale wood to show him on the deck of an Elven White Ship. I'm deeply happy with how the figure came out and, despite the fairly short time it took to paint (about 6-7 hours) think that it has some of the best pure painting on my demon entries for this year. Weirdly, I'm most proud of the sash around his waist. Unfortunately, the figure didn't even make the first cut in it's category. After a little digging I discovered that the judges decided there was a lack of narrative between the figure and it's base and they'd decided to make that the primary criteria this year. This was rather disappointing but there you go...

Posted: 27 Sep 2010

7.8 /10 (36 Votes) 1.9k Views

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