Empire Greatsword closeup

This is a raw camera shot, merely colour corrected to reflect the actual model. Just a front view here so some of the below commentary might not make sense but there's a smaller montage shot available in my gallery showing many more views. This figure is an Empire Greatsword, my entry for Warhammer Single Miniature at Golden Demon UK 2010. My inspirations for this figure came from the many wonderful Open contest entries that have been winners in the last few years, particularly the works of Martin Footit and Mike Anderson. Most of these are 54mm figures though mine is obviously 28mm. I liked the way the figures were set in lovely elaborate scratchbuilt bases that really made an appropriate setting for the figure. The challenge for me was to do the same but keep it on an appropriate plastic slottabase. Theoretically I could have gone for a 40mm base but I decided to keep to a 25mm as it felt more in the spirit of the category (I did think about trying it on his standard 20mm base but there just wasn't room for expression). The base is sculpted mostly from milliput and was rather a challenge to build, particularly getting the back and sides perfectly smooth so I could paint them in a flat black. The freehand on the back of the cloak was very intense work done over an hour and a half or so and under an optivisor. Seriously, my eyes can't take it anymore. The latin motto reads Deus Nos Defendit (God protects us) though it's not all legible due to the folds of the cloak (you can't see it on the pics but part of it is painted in darker tones on the inside where the cloak folds back on itself). I also painted a swirly, deep red, pattern on the inside of the cloak. This was actually far tougher than the text on the outside, though made just about possible by the cloak not being attached to the fig at the time. Damn those swirlies gave me nightmares. This figure was the first of my demon entries to be painted and the first true display quality miniature I have painted in five years. Painting time was around 17 hours overall. He won a silver demon in Warhammer Single and I'm very happy about that.

Posted: 27 Sep 2010

8.3 /10 (48 Votes) 5.1k Views

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Great piece all over. Wonderfully crisp for plastic, and although its a small part of the piece overall, the smoothness of your metals reallyy stands out.
17 Nov 2010
Really greaqt work!! I apreciate the colors and the work done for the base! Gongrats
25 Oct 2010
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