Wings over the lake (lilith)

Hi all, here's my version of this super miniature of nocturne models... since the first time i saw the box art in real life of Jesus Martin i completely love this miniatures. Cause i think the box art is the best possible painting for this figure i want to try a completely different approach. In my imagination, the darken angel of the original became a brighten angel... a light creature that walking in the surface of the lake and her wings looks like they are waves of water... i really enjoy paint this figure and i experiment different things. Painted in acrylics and pastels. Hope you like. Fra p.s. the kanji on the base is just a joke, should be the translation of the title... but i use google translator so maybe is an horrible thing in japanese... if is like this i say excuse me to all the japan people!! :D

Posted: 21 Oct 2014

9.5 /10 (89 Votes) 8.0k Views

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Absolutely bad ass!!!!! Great colour scheme very dynamic.
4 Nov 2014 • Vote: 10
3 Nov 2014 • Vote: 10
She's beautiful. Thank you for sharing this with us.
1 Nov 2014 • Vote: 10
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