Look Into The Void - Details

The idea for this diorama came right in the making of „Papa Noigul's Carnival.“ See here: http://www.coolminiornot.com/354009 The one Nurgling who does the handstand always looked to me like it was some fat frog lying on a dissecting table. So the concept for a lecture hall in which scientists examine some demon-frog was born. I did the first sketches on the way home from GD Germany 2013 on my train ticket. From the first day it was planned to be a tall wooden room and have a skeleton of a giant in it. The building took some time due to the nature of glueing wood together and I started with the first floor last winter. I do not like these black smooth spaces on miniatures much so I decided to make the back also. Like there where some dark corridors and storage rooms in this building, which lead to different parts of the university. The scientists who examine the demons and other supernatural beings are equipped with a microscope and some sort of spotlight-candleholder. The inside of the later device is actually reflecting metal like it would be in real life. The tiny demon is of course one of the members of my Carnival Diorama, but maybe its not the last thing we will see from him. ;) The scientists themselves seem to be rather interested in this thing called “Carnival” as they were collecting much evidences for it. As the wooden structure took some time, all the figures and details were made in 2 or 3 months. The giant was made by graving plastic and a little putty to smoothen some areas. I did not use greenstuff or other modeling clay for this diorama. I started painting 10 days before the Scale Model Challenge 2014. Here it made gold and got the Distinctive Creativity Award, the Golden Vinci and the AGMF Bronze Medal. A month later it was in my display at Monte San Savino Show which got gold in Fantasy Master Ambience. So I am very lucky. :) Comments are always welcome. I accept commissions. If you are interested in my works feel free to contact me: paintslayerworks@gmail.com Regards Christoph More views: http://www.coolminiornot.com/370356 See more and bigger photos here on puttyandpaint: http://pnp.li/AjfX

Posted: 14 Dec 2014

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