Yundun the Atlantean Dragon
Here is boxart of Yundun the Atlantean Dragon that i have painted for Karol Rudyk Art. Painted with scale75 and kimera kolors. This project took me 3 months to finish. It is 400mm tall and the biggest miniature i have ever painted. I found painting wings most challanging part of this project as there are four large sides with lot of space for freehands. Veins on a inner side are not part of a sculpt and was painted by me after suggestions from Karol. Reverse side was my idea to paint it blue to break a little color scheme and to make it more unpredictable. This is a boxart version so ship is counted as base, as requested and to make clear what is part of this set. On a base i have build beach scenery, added clear resin, wave effect and additional planks. May add some photos later on my social media. It was quite hard to take photos of something that huge with shape that creates lot of shadows by itself but thanks to my friend Szymon Kaczmarczyk you can see in bigger resolution than on fb. Hope you like it! Mihausz
Posted: 27 Sep 2020