In Loving Memory : the Widow

If I can't make you leave How can I save you from Me (Emilie Autumn, "Save You") Before the usual blurb, I'd like to thank the people over at the forums who kindly gave feedback on the WIP pics. This started out pretty strangely. I was going to paint her white in traditional bride fashion, but ended up screwing up the outlining of the filigree design, which earned her a dip in the stripper. Frustrated, I decided to do her in black this time around. The NMM gold is black, highlighted to white through brown, brown mixed with red and yellow, and pure yellow. The black was highlighted with Shadow Grey (or the Vallejo equivalent). I used a technique dubbed "tweening" by Valander, consisting of a rough layering followed by going over the transitions with very diluted paint numerous times to smoothen them out. It's long, but it can give absolutely flawless (IMO) blending - even though it's probably longer to do than wet-blending. Painting the mini took about 31 hours (I kept count :) ). Most of it was spent blending the dress, but building up the bright flesh colors over a black basecoat was also pretty long. Also, I had my Vallejo varnish turn white, which forced me to repaint the blending on the front :(. Oh well, nothing much to say really, so I'll just let you all post a few comments :D.

Posted: 6 Aug 2004

9 /10 (228 Votes) 7.4k Views

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She looks sooo good, great work!!! Very smooth blendings and clean painting. The nmm gold at her dress looks amazing and also her skin is flawless. Great face and good job at her hair too.
2 Jul 2006 • Vote: 10
My God, I know you put a lot of time in on the dress, but, the skin is just beautfull, I mean, wow. She is beyond eligant. Yes, the NMM really stands out, and the dress looks flawless, but that skin....
4 Feb 2005
It is only a 9.3 or 9.4 for me, but I vote ten because your mark is only 9.1... However, I am impressed...
16 Oct 2004
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