Summoner Variant sculpt

This is a commissioned work for Miniaturenland, the german sales departement for Dark Sword Miniatures. I painted it for the DUZI 2006 and it was one of the hardest paintjobs I ever did, because she is more than small and filigree and I have had a hard dead line. For a better comparison I put Gandalf from GW beside her, because I thought the most of you will know him well. I couldn't paint some OSL because there wasn't enough time to paint all such "specials". Apart from that I had to strip her off for one times and her face for 3 times in addition before I could get it well. If one of you would like to paint her too, my advice would be: Start up with the legs before you glue her on the Base. All comments are more than welcome :-)

Posted: 9 Oct 2006

8 /10 (80 Votes) 2.9k Views

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wow, i love the skin, the hair, the face... ufff... perfect
28 May 2007
A grandiose job with this small mini. A color of the skin. One of your best minis. maindd
30 Dec 2006 • Vote: 10
I have seen this mini online before, but had no idea how small it was. Fantastic job!
10 Dec 2006 • Vote: 10
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