Night Goblin Shaman

Well, this is the closest I got to a Golden Demon entry this year. A quickly painted Goblin Shaman converted (slightly) from the two Goblin characters in the Skull Pass boxed set. Wasn't really timing but he probably took about 90 minutes, much of which was fiddling about with what colours to use. I was trying for quite a flat and neat look which I am using on some regular Night Gobbos I'm working on (which I'm trying to keep the paintjob to less than 20 minutes each). Anyway, regardless of the simplicity of the paintjob I'm rather happy with him. He's my honourary GD entry for this year (2007) and my prediction would be that he'd struggle to make first cut. But there you go. Hey, at least I painted something and that's more than I did last year :)

Posted: 23 Sep 2007

7.3 /10 (60 Votes) 1.9k Views

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Very nicely done! looks great
2 Jul 2010 • Vote: 8
best speed painted mini ever... i'm a sucker for flames, and the unusual tone of the squig works well... good to see ya bein' productive again mate...
23 Sep 2007
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