J-Mo: Demoness

This one is a conversion of my Katalin: Succubus model I sculpted for my Spyglass Miniatures range. The reason part of the figure is brown is that the figue has been moulded once already and the riginal green got scorched that colour. It's not actually brownstuff ;) This figure will be released as a limited edition, only available to members of my Spyglass yahoo group. It will not be available elsewhere. If you are interested in joining the group it can be found here - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/spyglassminiatures/ See you the next time I have greens to show :) Steve Buddle

Posted: 20 Feb 2004

7.9 /10 (154 Votes) 3.1k Views

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Saving points for the painted version, but this is very very very nice. Putting the image of the pre and post conversion figures next to each other is very interesting. The new hair is lanker and the face more bestial. Then plainer sword looks more business like and the textured and detailed wings add life to the figure. The sum of the changes makes the whole piece very different - not at all sensual any more, just a brutal viscious killer. Amazing what littel changes can do to the overall figure. Of course I hate you, but in a positive, loving, life affirming way ;-)
23 Feb 2004 • Vote: 10
Nice... similar but just a bit more detail. I'd still like to try sculpting some armor on a fig like that... I just might have to try and get my hands on a few of these :D
21 Feb 2004 • Vote: 9
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