Empire Captain

This figure was a late assault on UK Golden Demon 2004, largely converted and painted in the last two days prior to the event. He made first cut but failed to place for a trophy. He's not that complicated being made mostly from the Empire Command Sprue. The pieces were cut around a little and a few extra components added. Few details in greenstuff, but not much. The biggest conversion was the addition of a cloak made from Amazon Grey Matter (their sculpting putty). Odd stuff to use but it's excellent for drapery as it has a period about an hour into curing where it can be rolled out, cut and messed around with very cleanly. Although it failed to place I'm happy with the result. I feel it's a bit 'underdone' in places but I'm very proud of the freehand on his shield. Probably the best I've done.

Posted: 4 Oct 2004

9 /10 (137 Votes) 6.4k Views

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I really like this guy a lot, I wish GW would make some decent characters on foot so we could see figures worth painting this well more often :D Right now I'm always raiding the Mordheim ranges looking for anything with detail for Empire characters.
20 Oct 2005
Orky Dude
I looove it!!! I wish i could paint my empire models so good!! Great job!
28 Sep 2005
17 Jan 2005
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