Duchess Death - Crystal Brush Project, painted.

“Duchess Death” was created for the Crystal Brush 2011 Awards at Adepticon in Chicago, where it took 2nd place overall. The conversion is based on a GW wood elf steed, parts from two Femme Militant miniatures, a classic GW horse skull from the Skeleton Horde box from around 1990, clock-work parts and a lot of modelling putty. For display base I balanced the model on a black sphere to emphasize the dynamic movement of the centaur. You can see most of both the building and painting process in the project documentation on my website: http://www.jrn-works.dk/crystalBrush/duchessdeath.php And you can see a video (about 4 MB ) showing the model wobbeling about here: http://www.jrn-works.dk/crystalBrush/DD.MOV I used a kind of mixed-media approach to planning the process. First I cut the main bits and assembled them with blue-tack. The conversion mock-up was then photographed, and edited into a greyscale print which I used to plan the look of the model. So basically, I painted over the black and white image and added details, corrected curves and shapes, and worked on the overall colour scheme. From this I started modelling and building the centaur. Painting the model I tried to follow the plan in my sketch, but had to add a few thing - mainly the ghostly white hair and the free-hand design painted onto the right hind leg. I am extremely proud of the result and was just as thrilled when I learned that model placed 2nd in the competition, which had lots of really great entries. And btw "Congratulations!" to Marike Reimer who took the grand price in the competition: I picked her model as my own favorite in the cabinet. A very worthy winner! Thanks for comments, votes, and also to those who followed the creation process on my website.

Posted: 1 May 2011

9.2 /10 (71 Votes) 6.2k Views

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Was lucky enough to see it in person. Such an amazing piece. It's impossible to stop staring at it.
5 Feb 2013 • Vote: 10
yeah, I followed the making of this piece as well as many others. Its amazing to see how it came to be and even better how it won the 2nd all over crystal brush. I cna only dream of being this good.
31 May 2011 • Vote: 10
Fantastic! :D
9 May 2011
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