Countesse de Brionne
Actually this one is a conversion based on the new plastic knights. Beautyfull minis, even if they could need some more details. GW gave out some of the new knights for a bretonian painting contest here in germany, so i was able to get my hands on one of them quite early. I thought of converting this knight into a female bretonian hero on a quest. So a nice big axe should do the work of the regular knights lance and some more details made a hero out of the normal plastic knight. The painting was a bit insane ... i have to say chessboard pattern looks beautyful but i won´t do it again on such a big mini. Never ... :) or maybe ... no never. For the heraldiks i used some (or better a lot of) fleur de lis, since the knights laid down their family heraldiks when questing after the old background. After 70hours of painting i´m not so sure if i really want to start a bretonian army, but as a mini-adicted junky it is hard to say no, when having so nice lil pewter-dolls in mind ;)
Posted: 5 Jan 2004