Ragnar(ork) Skulleater
sooo here´s the painted version of my gentle handsome bigguy Ragnar. Sometimes called Ragnarork by his very few friends. I added the grea imperial in the backgrouns for a size comparison. Looks like Ragnar is in no need for chewing when eating skulls. I really enjoyed painting Ragnar, even if this big scale is not really my taste. Wished i had an airbrush-thingy to go for the big areas. But since i don´t have one i needed to use the good ol´ brush. The whole thing took about 250+ hours, with 120 for sculpting and 130+ for painting. If you haven´t already seen it, here is the pic of the sculpt: ID 98857 Hpe you´ll like him ;)
Posted: 29 Aug 2005
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